Usui Reiki Ryoho COURSES

Register today

Are you ready to improve your own health, take control of your emotions (or help family & friends…) and gain insight into the world of energy/alternative healing? There is no time like the present, so let’s get started!

Register for a hands on Reiki Healing Certification Course now.

No prior knowledge or experience is required for Reiki level 1, just the desire for personal growth, learning & healing.

Usui Reiki Courses

I am booking Reiki Courses for Reiki 1, 2 & Masters by appointment only.

One person OR 2-4 people per course: The advantage of this new way of working is that I get to assist my clients on a more personal basis.  We can choose course dates and times that suit all of us. This will also assist those who prefer to work in small groups, or individually.

Please contact Deanne via WhatsApp or call me on my cell: 076 202 9045 to book a place on any of the courses, or to ask any questions regarding the courses.

Usui Reiki Level 1

Usui Reiki Level 1 Course

This course will assist you to empower yourself by learning various cleansing & self-healing techniques.

Course Content:

  • Introduction
  • What is Reiki & how does it work?
  • The history of Reiki
  • The five Reiki principles
  • Preparing for the first-degree attunement & healing meditation
  • Chakras & auras
  • Self-treatment
  • One on one treatment for:
    o Family members, friends,
    o Babies, animals…
    o Bring comfort for the dying
    o Purify drinking water & food, heal plants…
  • Group treatments
  • Final thoughts


Usui Reiki Level 1 Course: to be held in Randburg


Course will be between 10-14 hours. Days and Times will be arranged to accommodate both student and lecturer.
2-4 weeks later; Review & Questions    1 - 2 hours (optional extra)


R 2,700.00 (refunds are not possible once the course has started)


Reiki 1 Manual; Reiki 1 Certificate;
Morning & afternoon tea and biscuits.

**Not Included:

Lunch - Please bring a packed lunch

To book a place on this Reiki Level 1 Course, please call Deanne on 076 202 9045 or

Usui Reiki Level 2

Usui Reiki Level 2 Course

Reiki level 2 teaches the student how to use the three Reiki symbols which concentrate on focus, harmony and connection to achieve mental, emotional and distant healing.  This opens up new & exciting avenues of healing.

Course Content:

  • Recap on Reiki level 1 & address problems encountered
  • Introduction to the 2nd level of Reiki
  • New Possibilities with Reiki 2
  • The 3 Sacred Reiki Symbols:
    o Learn to draw & remember the 3 symbols
    o Learn how and when to use the different symbols
    o Attunements & healing meditation
  • Distant or Absent Reiki Healing
    o Distant Reiki Healing Techniques
    o Sending Distant Reiki Healing
  • Working With Reiki 2
  • Non-Traditional Reiki Symbols
  • Extra Reiki Hand Positions
  • Combining Reiki
  • Animal Reiki
  • Final thoughts


Usui Reiki Level 2 Course: to be held in Randburg


Course will be between 14-16 hours. Days and Times will be arranged to accommodate both student and lecturer.|
2-4 weeks later; Review & Questions    1 - 2 hours (optional extra)


R 3200.00 (refunds are not possible once the course has started)


Reiki 2 Manual; Reiki 2 Certificate;
Morning & afternoon tea and biscuits.

**Not Included:

Lunch - Please bring a packed lunch

To book a place on this Reiki Level 2 course, please call Deanne on 076 202 9045 or Email:

Usui Reiki Level 3

Usui Reiki Level 3/ Master Teaching Course

In order to do the Reiki level 3 course, Reiki 1 & 2 must be completed by the student. 

*Preferably with at least 12 months ongoing reiki healing experience which will prepare the student for the Reiki Master Teachers class.

This level will assist the student to improve their Reiki skills and enable them to pass on their Reiki knowledge by becoming a Reiki teacher.

The student learns about the Reiki Master symbol and how to pass on Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Master Attunements to others. As a Reiki Master, the Reiki practitioner can also perform reiki distant attunements and more advanced Reiki healing methods. When ready, the new Reiki Master can then go on to teach and certify others in the art of Reiki Healing.

Course Content:

  • Recap- Reiki Level 2 & addressing any problems
  • Introduction to the Reiki level 3
  • Some spiritual teachings.
  • Reiki 3 and Symbol
  • Using and drawing Usui Reiki Master Symbol
  • Non-Traditional Master Symbol
  • Healing Meditation
  • Reiki Attunement Ceremony
    o Preparing for and receiving the Attunements
    o Distant Reiki Attunements
  • Advanced Reiki Techniques:
    o Receiving Reiju and other 'higher' empowerments.
    o Learning Reiju.
    o Learning how to work with an 'empowerment' kotodama.
  • Practising meditations.
  • Final thoughts


Usui Reiki Masters Level: to be held in Randburg


Course will be between 15-20 hours. Days and Times will be arranged to accommodate both student and lecturer.
2-4 weeks later; Review & Questions    1 - 2 hours (optional extra)


R 4200,00 (refunds are not possible once the course has started)


Reiki Masters Manual; Reiki Masters Certificate;
Morning & afternoon tea and biscuits.

**Not Included:

Lunch - Please bring a packed lunch

To book a place on this Usui Reiki Masters Level course, please call Deanne on 076 202 9045 or Email: